A Million Of Thank Yous (E-Card)

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Million Of Thank Yous is one of the most popular of the hoops&yoyo E-Cards. It has been redistributed, and even modified several times. One of the snapshots redistributed has a whopping 245 snapshots of it and is still being archived to this day, making it the most archived hoops&yoyo flash file. Overall, it's pretty easy to find this E-Card.

It consists of Hoops and Yoyo repeatedly saying "thank you" over and over,with a number above them indicating how many times Hoops or Yoyo have said "thank you."

  • Estimated Release: July 2006
  • Character(s) Featured: Hoops, Yoyo
  • Lost Media Status: Fully Found
  • E-Card ID/File Name: nfg2687.swf


This e-card had an official Hungarian translation on a website called cardex.hu. The e-card not only translates the text featured in the image, but also has Hoops' and Yoyo's lines be dubbed over in Hungarian as well. The Hungarian voice actors for all of the dubbed Hoops and Yoyo e-cards are unknown. The E-Card name is Millió köszönetet érdemelsz!, which translates to: "You deserve a million thanks!, similar to the original English e-card. Surprisingly, cardex.hu still has Hoops and Yoyo cards available to view and send, albeit all of these have been converted to video files due to the death of built-in browser support for Flash. Thankfully, many of the original Flash versions of various e-cards, including some hoops&yoyo e-cards, have been archived through the Wayback Machine.

Easter Egg

There's an Easter Egg you can find if you resize your Flash Player at the end of the card.

It's unknown if this was intended fir something else or if it was placed outside of where the Flash Player would be sized at on purpose. Interestingly, this message still appears in the Hungarian version, with English text intact.


  • This is one of the most popular Hoops&Yoyo E-Card, being redistributed over the entire internet. The second one is I Love You E-Card.
  • There's a mod of this E-Card which is one of the earliest instances of Hoops&Yoyo flash modding from 2007. It consists of Hoops&Yoyo without their eyebrows, and with the original "Thank You" texts being replaced with crudely-drawn "Thank You Andy Warhol","Thank You","Andy". The creator for this mod was Miltos Manetas for an Andy Warhol exhibit at the Baltic Art Centre for Contemporary Art. Viewing the .fla file for it (which he had in the site hidden) there's a hidden credit that doesn't show up in the swf.

The credit reads as follows:

A picture of the e-card being presented at the exhibit.
A picture of the e-card being presented at the exhibit.

"ThankYouAndyWarhol.com by Miltos Manetas, 2007, Unique Edition. Created For "Dazed and Confused Versus Andy Warhol", a exhibition curated by Jerome Sans at the Baltic Art Center, UK. Courtesy the Artist and Blow de la Barra Gallery. London, UK.

Based on a e-mail card by hoopsandyoyo.com"

Interestingly enough, thankyouandywarhol.com is still registered and active. Going to the site triggers a download of THANKYOU.swf to the visitor's computer, which contains the modified version of the Thank You e-card. The site is otherwise completely blank.

Also it's one of the obscure sites, and has weird stuff such as a weird screenshot of a presentation:

It has a .exe file as well.

